Possible Poetry

Possible Poetry

Poesie Zwischen Welten

Episode 8 - Objects of poetry. Iris Colomb

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Iris Colomb https://iriscolomb.com/

Commissioning editor of "Interruptions" Artist Books at Haverthorn Press (HVTN Press) https://www.haverthorn.com/interruptions

Founder of SLANT, an investigative platform exploring poetry & performance through a series of live events and an online archive. https://slant-events.com/

Part of the interdisciplinary collective "No Such Thing" https://www.instagram.com/nosuchthing.collective/

Collaborations: [something's happening] is the sound and text duo of poet and performer Iris Colomb and composer Daryl Worthington (Beachers). The project explores textual and sonic permutation through improvisation. Fragments of found text and gestural electro-acoustics weave through spectral guitar textures. Loops of sound and language collide. https://somethingshappening.bandcamp.com/album/something-like-that

Soft Play (Iris Colomb and Paul Ingram) are a double act working between poetry, performance art and slapstick comedy. https://iriscolomb.com/PRACTICE/SOFT-PLAY

Influences Writers Forum London / Workshop https://writersforumworkshop.uk/about/

Bob Cobbing https://www.bobcobbing.com/

Poetry Recommendation Nicola Woodham / soundpoet/ multidisziplinary artist https://www.nicolawoodham.com/

**Videos ** displayed at "Salon Schlitz Poetry Window" in Frankfurt-Roedelheim

‘Spill’, performance & poetry by Iris Colomb, filmed and edited by Eta Dahlia, 2018. This piece was first shown in Issue 7 of the UK poetry magazine Para•text.

‘What We Hold’, Iris Colomb (poetry performance), Nik Yourknots (rope performance), 2021. This piece was first shown as a live streamed performance.

‘Soliflores’, performance & poetry by Iris Colomb, filmed and edited by Eta Dahlia, 2018.

‘DEADLOCK’, performance & poetry by Iris Colomb, filmed and edited by Ilya Tikhonov, 2020. This piece was first shown on Live Art Club's online platform.


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Über diesen Podcast

Poesie Zwischen Welten / Poetry between worlds

In diesem Podcast möchte ich internationale Gäste und Projekte vorstellen, die innovative neue Wege in der Poesie oder der Poesievermittlung gehen. Ich möchte Rand- und Grenzbereiche erkunden.

In this podcast I would like to introduce international guests and projects that take particularly innovative new paths in poetry or poetry mediation, I would like to explore marginal and border areas.

Gespräche auf Deutsch und Englisch. / Talks in German and English

produziert von Dirk Hülstrunk. Autor, Übersetzer, Kulturaktivist aus Frankfurt am Main in Deutschland. / produced by Dirk Huelstrunk, poet, translator, cultural activist from Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Für die Unterstützung dieses Projektes möchte ich mich beim Kulturamt Frankfurt ganz herzlich bedanken.

von und mit Dirk Hülstrunk


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