Possible Poetry

Possible Poetry

Poesie Zwischen Welten

Episode 5 - Poets of today, voices of tomorrow

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Pionierski Dom Center of Youth Culture, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Poets of Today, Voices of Tomorrow International Poetry Collective with poets from Slovenia, Poland, Serbia, Hungary and Finland.

Veronika Dintinjana (Slovenia) is a poet, translator, surgeon. The Society of Slovenian Writers awarded her the Jenko Award for the best poetry collection of the last two years. As part of the KUD, Kentaver has been organizing regular poetry readings and the Mlade rime festival for 16 years, which act as a platform for the poetic voices of young and not-yet-established authors. He mainly translates American and Irish poetry. Her translations of selected poems by Louise Glück (MK, 2011, 2020, 2021), Denise Levertov (KUD Kentaver, 2014), Ciaran O'Driscoll (KUD France Prešeren, 2013) and essays by Ursula K. Le Guin ( KUD Apocalypse, 2007). Unpublished songs from Pablo Neruda's legacy were published in collaboration with Christi Dintinjana. 2018 at Cankar's publishing house with the title Tvojih nog se dotikam v senci/I touch your feet in the shadow.

Original Soundcomposition "Buchmesse" by Tobias Schmidt (szmt) & Josef Bercek (Ol brennt) https://label.acrylnimbus.de/album/buchmesse https://lbrentt.bandcamp.com/album/buchmesse

in cooperation with: Radio X Frankfurt www.radiox.de


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Über diesen Podcast

Poesie Zwischen Welten / Poetry between worlds

In diesem Podcast möchte ich internationale Gäste und Projekte vorstellen, die innovative neue Wege in der Poesie oder der Poesievermittlung gehen. Ich möchte Rand- und Grenzbereiche erkunden.

In this podcast I would like to introduce international guests and projects that take particularly innovative new paths in poetry or poetry mediation, I would like to explore marginal and border areas.

Gespräche auf Deutsch und Englisch. / Talks in German and English

Bücher und Videos unserer Podcastgäste im Poesieschaufenstern "Salon Schlitz", Am Alten See 6, Frankfurt-Rödelheim / Books and Videos of our Podcast-Guests at the Poetry Window at Salon Schlitz, Am Alten See 6, Frankfurt-Rödelheim.

Dieser Podcast ist Teil der Podcast Communities "litradio.de" und "literaturpodcasts.de

produziert von Dirk Hülstrunk. Autor, Übersetzer, Kulturaktivist aus Frankfurt am Main in Deutschland. / produced by Dirk Huelstrunk, poet, translator, cultural activist from Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Für die Unterstützung dieses Projektes möchte ich mich beim Kulturamt Frankfurt ganz herzlich bedanken.

von und mit Dirk Hülstrunk


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