Episode 11 - Expanded Poetry - Rocio Cerón
Rocío Cerón is one of the major Mexican poets and multimedia artists of her generation. She combines poetry with music, performance and video and creates what she calls "Galaxy Projects: Loads of poetry, body, sound and image."
Info/ Projects / Video Poems Rocio Cerón https://www.rocioceron.com/
Sonic Bubbles https://subunda.bandcamp.com/album/roci-o-cero-n-sonic-bubbles
**Books from which Rocio read poems: ** Diorama, Nudo Vortex, Tiento
(all published in Spanish, English. German at Schiler-Mücke-Verlag) https://www.schiler-muecke.de/index.php?autor=Roc%C3%ADo+Cer%C3%B3n&language=de
**Poetry Recommendations by Rocio Cerón **
Ulises Carrión [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulises_Carri%C3%B3n] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hPeob9gS1E] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hPeob9gS1E)
Jorge Mendez-Blake https://www.mendezblake.com/ https://www.meessen.be/artists/jorge-mendez-blake
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